Icecat: Обзоры товаров

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Обзоры товаров

Экспертные обзоры TestSeek интегрированы в Icecat

TestSeek is an expert review aggregator, collecting the core message from each editorial review that is published on the Internet. Our partnership with TestSeek means that Icecat can help populate your webshop with TestSeek’s aggregated review data, either through Icecat’s XML interface or through TestSeek’s API.
Core data collected
Reviews are collected in 25+ languages from more than 1500 well-known and trusted publications. Data collected:
  • Award-images (“Editor’s choice”, “Best Buy”)
  • Score (converted to a percentage scale)
  • Written excerpts (Good, Bad, Bottom-line)
  • Link to full review
  • Review published date, author, publication location, publication logo etc.
Why expert reviews?
  • Increase conversion rates
  • Increase customer loyalty
  • Decrease amount of returned products
  • Easily populate your webshop/system with local reviews
Subscription options
  • Pro:

    Includes all brands and all data. The Pro version can be delivered via Icecat’s XML-interface or via TestSeek’s AP.

  • Premium:

    Premium includes the same features as the Pro-version, the variation is that the Premium option also includes a continuous import/match-up of client’s product database, which results in maximized coverage (and thus a maximized effect) and easy integration via TestSeek’s API. To see more information, you can click here or see a live demo from a webshop with TestSeek’s review data.

Product videos from Testseek

Testseek collects and standardizes product videos from YoutubeTM. Videos on product pages increases conversion rates and visitor stays longer at your pages which gives a positive SEO effect (by decreased bounce rates).

Videos are the last piece of product content which most product pages are lacking. The videos add the “look and feel” dimension which still images and text can never convey. All videos are quality approved by our editors and standardized on language and video type (review, unboxing, guide, official). Check out Testseek’s demo shop for live examples. More information can be found at

  • Бесплатные обзоры
  • Повышение популярности вашего сайта благодаря обзорам
  • Ключевая информация из обзоров
  • Объективная информация
  • Увеличение конверсии
  • Повышение лояльности клиентов
  • Уменьшение количества возвратов
  • Бесплатно и легко интегрировать
  • Награды, рейтинговые баллы и итоговые выводы позволяют покупателю узнать мнение экспертного сообщества о товаре