Icecat: Standardizace dat

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Uniform, standardized & compelling content

Most ecommerce sites offer product finders, product comparison and online advisors, that help consumers and professional buyers select products that meet their specific needs. With standardized product features, data can be used as selection criteria, making product analysis possible. To meet the challenging standardization needs of cutting edge ecommerce sites, Icecat editors and engineers are transforming unstandardized manufacturer product data into fully standardized Open Icecat data-sheets.

For example, for feature value “height” only numbers should be used, and an indication of the unit used (e.g. cm or inches).

It's unrealistic to expect channel partners to standardized product data themselves. Icecat has already transformed the raw product data of 36123 brands into fully standardized product information. The Icecat data repository contains millions of classified product data-sheets.

What are Icecat's standardization efforts?
  • Identification of products and digital assets
  • Classification of products and digital assets (e.g., correcting brand names, right-categorization, adding attributes)
  • Standardization of attributes
  • Accurate product content
  • Advanced search capabilities (searchable attributes)
  • Mappings from brand taxonomies and to retailer taxonomies
  • Standardizace produktových dat
    Kompatibilní hodnoty parametrů
  • Brand and retailer Taxonomy Mappings
    Mappings from brand taxonomies to Icecat's taxonomy. And mappings from Icecat's taxonomy to platform taxonomies (e.g., Amazon's or Google's).
  • Vyhledání produktů
    Vyhledávací nástroj pro partnery v prodejním kanále
  • Zvyšte online prodeje
  • Snižte čas a náklady na straně vašich prodejních partnerů
  • Optimální porovnávání produktů